Pros and Cons of Wearing Socks to Bed

Jun 27, 2023

Some people choose to wear socks to bed, while others prefer to keep their feet bare and avoid wearing socks. This can depend on personal preferences, the weather and how the person is feeling that day. In this article, we take a look at the pros and cons of wearing socks to bed.

Pro: help you stay asleep

One advantage of wearing socks is they can help you stay asleep; it's important to keep your temperature regulated when you’re sleeping, as getting too cold can wake you up and disrupt your sleep. Wearing socks can help prevent this as it keeps the heat in your body and stops it from escaping. If you find you wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to get back to sleep again, put on a pair of socks before you go to bed, and this may prevent this issue from happening again. 

Pro: stop your feet from drying out

Another way that socks can help you when you wear them to bed is to prevent your feet from drying out. Cold air can lead to dry, cracked feet, which can be painful and sore. To prevent this, you can wear socks to keep the moisture locked in and close to your feet. For additional moisture, if you have very dry feet consider moisturising your feet and then putting socks on top to keep the moisture locked into your feet. 

Pro: protect your feet from numbness 

If you find your feet feel cold and numb at night, this could be solved by wearing a good pair of socks. Numbness often comes from your feet being too cold, this can occur if they’re out of the covers or the room is at a cold temperature. To prevent this, you can put on a pair of thick socks to stop the heat from escaping through your feet. This can help you have a better night's sleep and stop you from waking up with numb feet. 

Con: can feel restricting

Many people find that wearing socks to bed can feel restricting and stop them from resting well. This is especially true if the socks are tight around the ankle and restrict the circulation of blood. This uncomfortable feeling can be overcome by selecting a good pair of bed socks that aren’t tight around the ankles. This will prevent you from being uncomfortable and taking your socks off during the night.

Con: overheating

Sometimes, especially during the hot weather, you’ll need your feet to breathe to reduce the risk of overheating. Thick woollen socks might not be a good choice if you often get too warm during the night. Instead, choose socks that are breathable but also have insulating properties, cashmere bed socks are great for this as they have breathable properties and allow heat to escape. They’re also very soft and comfortable to wear against the skin so that you won’t become irritated. 

Con: itchy feet

Some people find their feet getting itchy when wearing socks, especially at night. To prevent this, choose a hypoallergenic material that won’t cause irritation. Wool can be very irritating to some; therefore, cashmere is a much better alternative. Cashmere has soft fibres that glide against the skin and don’t cause any irritation. A good pair of cashmere socks will keep your feet warm, comfortable and prevent any itching during the night. 

In conclusion, the decision to wear socks to bed is personal and influenced by individual preferences, weather conditions, and comfort levels. There are pros and cons to consider. Wearing socks can help regulate body temperature, keeping you asleep throughout the night by preventing heat loss. They can also protect your feet from drying out and alleviate numbness caused by cold temperatures. However, some individuals may find wearing socks restrictive or experience overheating, particularly in warm weather. Itchy feet can also be a concern for some, so choosing hypoallergenic materials like cashmere can mitigate this issue. If you’re already struggling with sleep issues, it might be worth trying to wear a pair of socks to bed to see how it impacts your sleep. Ultimately, finding a balance that promotes comfort and quality sleep is important.